Bernd van Doornick

Table of Contents:
Bernd, Summary, German Airplanes

Personal Data

      Birthdate:      January 5. 1945
      Birthplace:     West Berlin
      Marital Status: Married
      Languages:      Swiss Dialect, German, English, French
      Citizenship:    Switzerland (1945), Canada (1974)



School Year City Teacher Remarks
Kindergarden 1950 - 1952 Grenchen, Switzerland B. Studer
Swiss Basic School 1952 - 1956 Grenchen, Switzerland Elsbeth Probst, E. Zurschmiede, M. Trachsler
Swiss Senior School 1956 - 1960 Grenchen, Switzerland Rudi Vogt, Hans Hirt
Swiss Technical School 1960 - 1964 Grenchen, Switzerland Gaston Jtin Schooling and apprenticeship for:
- tool and die maker
- injection plastic
- die casting


Flying Experience

Education: Experience:
Helicopter more than 20'000 hours
Bell 47s 1100 h
Bell 206B Jet Ranger II und III 4116 h
Bell 412Sp 1870 h
SA 315B Lama 9996 h
SA 341/342 Gazelle 108 h
SA 316/319 Alouette 1170 h
AS 350A Star B1 + B2 42 h
SA 330J Puma 1000 h
Fixed wings 145 hours
DM 400
TB 10 + C150
Roehnlerche RA8
Type of work:
  Some figures:

      flights in the mountain (up to 16500 feet): 17500 h    
      Slinging (mountain):                        13500 h
      Longline (50 - 900 feet):                   10100 h               
      Logging:                                     4300 h
      Resque mission:                              2020 h
      Resque mission (night):                       486 h
      Spraying/Fire fighting:                       530 h
      Resque mission (mountain):                   2580
      Winch operations (mountain):                  415
      Take off and landing (helicopter):          97650
      Take off and landing (night):                1510
      Lifes saved (Matterhorn area):                136
      Sling mission:                             330000
      Rot. logging:                               86400
      2 Emergency landings in Canada (1969-1972)
      2 Autorotations in Switzerland (1976)     
        Technical problems! No damage to helicopter.
      1 Accident with Bell 47 in Canada (1973). Pilot error!
      1 Incident with AS 315B Lama, Bortelalp, Switzerland (1988). 
        Damaged rotorblades by hitting a crane, hard landing. Pilot error!


Job History

Company Year City Job Remarks
Werner Gloor AG 1960 - 1962 Büren a. A., Switzerland Toolmaker
Rolf Moser AG 1962 - 1964 Grenchen, Switzerland Toolmaker
Th. Schlöttli AG 1964 - 1966 Schlatt, Switzerland Toolmaker
Tissot SA 1966 - 1968 Le Locle, Switzerland Toolmaker
Eastern Mould + Die Ltd. 1968 - 1969 Montreal, Canada Toolmaker
Dominion - Pegasus Ltd., Seven Island Helicopters Ltd. (10 bases, 34 helicopters) 1969 - 1973 La Tuque and Seven Island (Quebec), Canada Helicopter pilot: areal work, slinging, powerline construction (750 kV, Length 2000 km), powerline controlflights, taxiflights, resque missions Basic helicopter training, Licence Dec. 1969, staff pilot
Trans North Turbo Air (10 bases, 12 helicopters) 1973 - 1976 Whitehorse (Yukon), Canada Helicopter pilot: areal work, slinging all in mountain aereas, mountain resque, mining exploration, drill moves Flying Bell helicopters, staff pilot
Air Zermatt AG (3 bases, 10 helicopters) 1976 - 1980 Zermatt (Wallis), Switzerland Helicopter pilot: mountain resque, film and photoflights, taxiflights, sightseeing and heliskiing, construction work, mast assembly, stringing cables, slinging, logging, sprying, aerial work in mountain aereas Flying Aerospatiale and Bell helicopters, staff pilot, invented vertical reference at Air Zermatt, 1978 (bubble window)
Air Zermatt AG (3 bases, 5 helicopters) 1980 - 1992 Zermatt (Wallis), Switzerland Helicopter pilot Chief pilot
Air Glaciers SA (8 bases, 26 helicopters) 1992 - 2007 Sion (Wallis), Switzerland Helicopter pilot Staff pilot





Went to Canada in the summer 2007.


Letzte Änderung: 20.08.2007
© Copyright 1998-2007 Käthi und Ernst Halder
Brig-Glis, Schweiz