Aus- und Weiterbildung
SBF ( - Staatssekretariat für Bildung und Forschung
The State Secretariat for Education and Research within the Federal Department of Home Affairs is the federal government's specialised agency for national and international matters concerning general and university education, research and space.
BBT ( - Bundesamt für Berufsbildung und Technologie
Das Bundesamt für Berufsbildung und Technologie ist das Kompetenzzentrum des Bundes für die Berufsbildung, die Fachhochschulen und die Innovation. Mit seinen Aktivitäten trägt es dazu bei, dass qualifizierte Arbeitskräfte ausgebildet werden und die Schweiz ein attraktiver und innovationsfähiger Wirtschafts- und Bildungsstandort bleibt. Das BBT ist ein Amt des Eidgenössischen Volkswirtschaftsdepartements (EVD).
EDK ( - Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education
In Switzerland, the main responsibility for education and culture lies with the cantons. They coordinate their work at the national level. The 26 cantonal ministers of education together form a political body to carry out this work: the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education. Legally binding, intercantonal agreements (known as concordats) form the foundation for the work of the EDK.
Educa ( - the Swiss Education Server
SWTR ( - Schweizerischer Wissenschafts- und Technologierat
As a consultative body to the Federal Council, the SSTC can express its views on all questions of science policy, whether on its own initiative, at the request of the Federal Council, a federal agency, a canton, or a national organization active in the area of education, research and innovation
Berufsberatung (
Das Portal für Berufswahl, Studium und Laufbahnfragen
WAB ( - Die Weiterbildungsdatenbank der Schweiz
Swiss Uni ( - Swiss University Continuing Education
The association's aim is to promote and disseminate University continuing education. It brings together the continuing education centres in Switzerland's Universities and Institutes of Technology. Its database provides details of all the training programmes for professionals offered by Swiss Universities.
- (
Swiss Competence Centre for Exchange and Mobility ( - Swiss University Continuing Education is the website of the Swiss Competence Centre for exchange and mobility of the ch Stiftung.
The activities offered by include the following categories:- Domestic programmes:
Pestalozzi, Rousseau, Piaget - Programme outside Europe
Magellan - European programmes:
Lifelong Learning Programme (Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus, Grundtvig), Language Assistant Programme (LAP), Youth in Action
The programmes are aimed at all interested persons in the areas of education and extra-curricular youth activities in all geographic and linguistic regions of Switzerland.
The ch Foundation, based in Solothurn and Bern, is a foundation under private law and was created in 1967. It is sponsored by all 26 Swiss cantons. Its board is composed of 26 members of cantonal governments. The purpose of the foundation is to build bridges between the language communities and to preserve linguistic and cultural diversity, as well as to promote the concept of federalism. - Domestic programmes:
eduQua ( - Schweizerisches Qualitätszertifikat für Weiterbildungsinstitutionen
NZZ campus (
European Commission / Education and Training: The Lifelong Learning Programme
- COMENIUS for schools
- ERASMUS for higher education and training
- LEONARDO DA VINCI for vocational education
- GRUNDTVIG for adult education
Aramis (
Information System for research and development projects in Switzerland
ARAMIS is intended to provide information to interested parties about research which is financed or carried out by the Federal Government, to improve co-ordination and to increase transparency in this area.
Nano-Tera (
The mission of this program is research, design and engineering of complex (tera-scale) systems and networks to monitor and connect humans and/or the environment.
Schweizer Jugend forscht (
Eine vom Bund anerkannte gemeinnützige Stiftung, die Jugendliche darin unterstützt, ihr innovatives Potential auszuschöpfen, sei dies im Bereich Naturwissenschaften, Technik, Geisteswissenschaften, Wirtschaft oder Gesellschaft.
SNF ( - Swiss National Science Foundation
The Swiss National Science Foundation, which operates according to the principal of scientific independence, is a central player in publicly funded research promotion. The primary focus of its activities is to promote independent basic research and to foster young scientific talent. With its interdisciplinary and problem-oriented research programmes, the Swiss National Science Foundation attempts to provide scientifically sound solutions to problems of social significance and to develop scientific centres of excellence for certain subject areas.
SwissCore (
Brussels base of the Swiss information network on European programmes in research, development and education.
Top Nano 21 ( -
Swiss Research Program on Nanotechnology
TOP NANO 21 is designed to bundle the strengths and resources of all interested specialists to be found in Switzerland towards economic usage through the creation of new technologies and the development of new products and services as well as the consolidation of existing products.
The TOP NANO 21 technology platform is made up of specialists from the fields of science and research. They form specific theme-based centers of competence. The aim is to use these networks to pass on their findings and knowledge about the nanometer to the Universities of Applied Science and the industrial sector.
The protection and exploitation of the intellectual property thus developed is a major objective for TOP NANO 21.
The integration of the subject of the nanometer in teaching is designed to encourage the development of the next generation of scientists, researchers and engineers. -
CORDIS ( - Community Research and Development Information Service (EU)
COST Chemistry ( -
European Co-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research: Technical Committee on Chemistry
COST was set up to stimulate and to give a framework for the European cooperation in the field of science and technology. Surprisingly Chemistry was missing. In order to maintain and even to improve this position of the European Chemical Science and European Chemical Industry, it has been considered as urgent for European's chemist to organize themselves and to elaborate a strategic scientific scheme for basic research in Chemistry.
ERC ( - European Research Council
The main aim of the ERC is to stimulate scientific excellence by supporting and encouraging the very best, truly creative scientists, engineers and scholars to be adventurous and take risks in their research. The scientists should go beyond established frontiers of knowledge and the boundaries of discipline.
ESF ( - European Science Foundation
The European Science Foundation promotes high quality science at a European level. It acts as a catalyst for the development of science by bringing together leading scientists and funding agencies to debate, plan and implement pan-European initiatives.
Eureka ( - Europe-wide network for industrial R&D
7th Framework Programme of the European Union (
The EU Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development are the main instruments of the European Union for the implementation of its common science and technology policy. This policy aims to make research a transnational activity everywhere in Europe where it is appropriate either because of costs and the extent of the research or because it deals with the solution of problems of central importance to the whole of Europe.
EuroCRIS ( - Research information systems
Information DRIS is a world-wide overview of current research information systems. The information systems covered by DRIS provide information on research organisations, researchers/scientists (expertise), or research projects/programmes. Some information systems may contain also publications, patents and/or conference papers.
However, pure bibliographical systems are not included in this inventory.
DRIS is offered free of charge.
PSE ( - Parc Scientifique (Switzerland)
Le Parc Scientifique est un site intégré pour la création d'entreprises high-tech. Au coeur de la nouvelle économie romande, à proximité immédiate des sources d'innovation que représentent l'EPFL et l'UNIL, il a pour but de favoriser l'émergence et le développement de start-up high tech.
Technopark Allianz (Switzerland) (
Seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 2002 hat sich die TECHNOPARK®-Allianz, zu der die TECHNOPARK®s Aargau, Lugano, Luzern, Schlieren-Zürich, Winterthur und Zürich gehören, als wirkungsvolles Organ für den Technologietransfer etabliert. Die TECHNOPARK®-Allianz unterstützt die in ihr angesiedelten Unternehmen und Institutionen, die in den Bereichen Innovation, Transfer und Produktion tätig sind. Sie schafft ein Umfeld für den Know-how-Transfer von der Wissenschaft zur Wirtschaft und generiert damit Innovationen im Markt.
ETH Transfer ( - Technologie-Transfer Stelle der ETH Zürich
ETH transfer is the technology transfer office of ETH Zurich. It is a hub of activity interposed between private industry and research. We support researchers in the exploitation of research results, protection of intellectual property, foundation of new companies, and cooperation with private industry. We provide private companies with contacts to research groups and spin-off companies. At the organizational level, ETH transfer is attached to the Research and Industrial Relations Executive at ETH Zurich.
Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (
The Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property has its headquarters in Berne and is responsible for all matters relating to Intellectual Property in Switzerland. It is the Institute's job to publicise intellectual property legislation in Switzerland. Another of its responsibilities is to point out the relevant information that often lies hidden in the patents and which can often be exploited at very reasonable prices.
Swiss Federal Patent Court (
As the Confederation's court of first instance in matters dealing with patents, the Federal Patent Court rules on civil-law disputes concerning patents. It rules, for instance, on litigation over patent validity as well as patent infringement. An appeal against the decisions of the Federal Patent Court can be lodged with the Federal Supreme Court.
EPO ( - European Patent Office
EPO grants European patents for the contracting states to the European Patent Convention (EPC). It is the executive arm of the European Patent Organisation, an intergovernmental body set up under the EPC, whose members are the EPC contracting states. Switzerland is a member of the EPC.
Espacenet (
Europe's net of patent databases provided by the European Patent Office.
USPTO ( - US Patent Office
The primary services include processing patents and trademarks and disseminating patent and trademark information. Through the issuance of patents, we encourage technological advancement by providing incentives to invent, invest in, and disclose new technology worldwide. Through the registration of trademarks, we assist businesses in protecting their investments, promoting goods and services, and safeguarding consumers against confusion and deception in the marketplace. By disseminating both patent and trademark information, we promote an understanding of intellectual property protection and facilitate the developments and sharing of new technologies world wide.