Bibliotheken ( - Bibliotheken der Schweiz
Journals, Bücher
Directory of Open Access Journals (
CAS ( - Chemical Abstracts Service
CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, is an important source for chemical information. CAS databases, including CAS REGISTRYSM, for substance information, are curated and quality-controlled by CAS scientists. Combining these databases with advanced search and analysis technologies, CAS delivers the digital information environment for scientific research and discovery through such products as SciFinder, STN, STN Express, and STN AnaVistTM, as well as services, such as Science IP.
Analytical Chemistry (
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (
Free access to the journal "Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry" for members of the Division of Analytical Sciences of the Swiss Chemical Society (DAS).
Bild der Wissenschaft (
Chemie Plus / Chemische Rundschau (
Free access to the "Highlights of Analytical Chemistry in Switzerland" for members of the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the Swiss Chemical Society (Link?)
ETH Globe (
Journal of Chemical Education (
PharmaTech (
Process (
Science (
Spectroscopy Europe / Asia (
PharmaTech (
Springer (
Spektrum der Wissenschaft (
- The Royal Society Digital Journal Archive (
Bundespublikationen (
Sie können hier Bundespublikationen wie Gesetze, Verordnungen, Botschaften, Berichte, Lehrmittel, Merkblätter und Formulare suchen und bestellen.
The European Union's publisher (
The Publications Office of the European Union (Publications Office) is an interinstitutional office whose task is to publish the publications of the institutions of the European Union
The Publications Office publishes the daily Official Journal of the European union in 22 languages (23 when Irish is required) and produces (or co-produces) publicity for EU initiatives and activities.
It publishes or co-publishes the publications in the context of the communication activities of the institutions.
Moreover, the Publications Office offers a number of online services giving free access to information on EU law (EUR-Lex), EU publications (EU Bookshop), public procurement (TED, SIMAP), and EU research and development (CORDIS).
- (
Dieses Angebot ermöglicht einen sehr schnellen sach- und personenbezogenen Zugang zu ca. 100'000 Sendungen von ca. 87 verschiedenen Fernsehsendern. Der regionale Fokus liegt bei Angeboten aus dem europäischen Raum. Die aktuelle Programmvorschau variert je nach Sender zwischen 4 und 10 Wochen.